Wednesday, October 12, 2011

25 Things You Don't Know About Me: Amy Lee

25 Things You Don't Know About Me: Amy Lee
Evanescence singer Amy Lee, 29 -- her band's new self-titled album is out now -- shares the 25 things you don't know about her with Us Weekly.

1. I'm still Jenny from the block.

2. I love my cats more than I love most people. Probably more than is healthy.

3. I can make even Tim McCord laugh once in a while (see No. 1).

4. I prefer bathtubs to showers, even in the morning.

5. I still love my dad's cheesecake more than any I've ever had in New York.

6. I haven't had a drivers license in four years.

7. I suck at math.

8. I refuse to accept Pluto's resignation as a planet.

9. When I was 6 I got a spanking for drawing ghosts on my bedroom wall while dancing to the Ghostbuster's theme song.

10. I have no tonsils.

11. I dream crazy vivid dreams. Like entire movies. And sometimes I write songs about them.

12. I have had three birds in the last five years and my cat has eaten all of them. (Don't worry I'm not getting any more).

13. I collect Rainbow Brite dolls, Care Bears, and other toys and videos from my childhood.

14. I have a pet MEGU. If you don't know what this is you're not a nerd. Or a japanese girl.

15. I'm allergic to lobster.

16. I love lobster.

17. In junior high mean kids used to call me "Amy Flea."

18. My favorite video game of all time is Zelda: Ocarina of Time...and I just got it on 3DS.

19. I'm extremely ticklish and I hate being tickled. If feels like an electric shock and I get involuntarily violent. Bloody noses. Seriously, don't tickle me.

20. When I was a kid I loved riding the escalator so much, that once I rode it a second or third time and my parents didn't notice and I got lost in the mall. I had to go to lost and found and everything.

21. I make a crazy gingerbread house every Christmas. With lights and figurines and everything.

22. You know those little remote control helicopters at Brookstone? Love em. I have three.

23. I wanted to be a veterinarian until I saw a video of a vet performing surgery on a dog. Then I decided I wanted to be a pianist.

24. My current favorite show is Adventuretime.

25. I rock numbered lists.

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