Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Amy Lee's twitter updates from 2009

"Another positive meeting/listening session down! Everybody loves the music and I can't wait to get in the studio ;D Its drinky time! CHEERS!"

"Stayed up all night writing and finishing demos to show to the label tomorrow. Its 5:47 am and I'm WIRED- To sleep, or not to sleep...??"

"Every time I break through and the song starts flowing out- every time this year- I stop the music and realize is raining again..."

"Making crazy epicness out of a song from the trash. Hell yes."

"I love the dark, beautiful groove we're working on right now"

"Getting creeped out by my own music. Time to go to a happy place!"

"Sitting under my steps in the rain writing kickass lyrics. Now I'm glad I locked myself out!"

"Working on a song about the dream world..."


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